Tenant Directory
Aaronsouth, Mari | 260 | Pastels and Paintings | (415) 488-3499 | www.mariaaronsouth.com maaronsouth@gmail.com |
Adani, Nicki / Time2Fly,LLC | 128 | Art & Design | (415) 317-1804 | www.nickiadani.com nicki@time2flyart.com |
Adessa, Chris | 278A | Landscapes in Oil | (415) 302-1320 | www.chrisadessa.com chris@chrisadessa.com |
Allen, Leslie – Studio 300A Art | 300A | Abstract & Figurative Oil Paintings & Prints | (415) 332-1023 | www.studio300a.com leslie@studio300a.com |
Andelin, Debra | 201B | Collage/Paint/Wire Jewelry | (415) 672-8367 | debandelin@gmail.com |
Anderson, John | 310 | Photography | jandersalum@gmail.com |
Armstrong, Kim | 338 | Painting | (206) 218-6636 |
Arrow Builders, Inc. | 100 | General Contractor | (415) 990-9438 |
Backen & Backen Architects | 130 | Architecture | (707) 967-1920 | bgarch.com info@bgarch.com |
Bailey, Fawn | 101 | Mixed Media Artist | FawnBaileyArt.com Fawnbailey.art@gmail.com |
Baker, Julia | 282A | Mixed Media | (415) 613-0738 |
Baker, Kate Solari | 301 | Mixed Media | www.katesolaribaker.com kate@bakers3811.com |
Baldocchi, Raquel | 255 | Mixed Media | (415) 794-8522 | www.raquelbaldocchi.com cooquel@gmail.com |
Bang-Kolb, Judith | 309 | Photography (Digital & Analog) | (415) 332-1529 | www.craigkolb.com judith.bangkolb.gmail.com |
Batchelder, Tom | 210 | Coaching, Consulting & Expressive Arts | (760) 492-1329 | tom@perficency.com |
Begneaud, Rick | 271 | Collage Artist | (415) 302-2266 | www.rickbegneaud.com novembermoon@mac.com |
Benet, Ben | 237A | Painting | (415) 847-5852 | benet.benjamin.89@gmail.com |
Brodie, Inc | 100 | Construction | (847) 345-7234 | www.Brodiecm.com info@brodiecm.com |
Bruce, Rebecca | 102 | Clothing Fashion Designer | (415) 272-1215 | www.rebeccabruce.com sales@rebeccabruce.com |
Buchholz, Suzie | 268 | Abstract Painting & Mixed Media | (415) 312-9500 | www.suziebuchholz.com suzie@suziebuchholz.com |
Burtis, Maria | 335A | Painter | (415) 531-1542 | www.mariaburtis.com mariaburtis@hotmail.com |
Butler, Ingrid | 302 | Decorative Papers | (415) 233-2275 | www.ingridbutler.com ingridbutler@comcast.net |
Cahan, Shelley | 275 | Interior Design | (415) 827-3057 | Shelleyandcompany.com Shelley@shelleyandcompany.com |
Carlson, Kay | 331 | Paintings on Canvas & Marble | (415) 331-9520 | www.kaycarlson.com kay@kaycarlson.com |
Chaffin, Chris | 330B | Acrylic Painting | (415) 518-6651 | www.chaffinart.com chris@chaffinsf.com |
Chappelka, Kerrie | 355B | Photography | (415) 609-5899 | www.chappelkaphoto.com kchappelka@me.com |
Clark, Catherine | 304 | Watercolor | (415) 297-0355 | cate.clark@comcast.net |
Cohen, Claudia | 261C | Ceramic & Bronze Figurative Art | (415) 332-1077 | www.bronzegoddess.com bronzegoddess@earthlink.net |
Colnett, Linda | 273 | Mixed Media | (415) 602-5434 | www.lscolnett.net lscolnett@gmail.com |
Command Productions | 300C | Audio Recording & Duplication | (415) 332-3161 | www.commandproductions.com audio@commandproductions.com |
DallasKidd, Diane | 345A | Artist | (415) 374-0261 | www.dianetatedallaskidd.com hello@dianetatedallaskidd.com |
Dan Cassidy Images | 300E | Photographer, Print Maker | (575) 613-3665 | www.dancassidyimages.format.com f.stop.it@gmail.com |
Davis, Rachel | 340B & C | Mixed Media | (415) 225-3159 | www.racheldavisstudio.com rachel@racheldavisstudio.com |
De Luca, Patricia | 300D | Creative Enterprises | (415) 332-8286 | oncypress@gmail.com |
de Rivera, Anne-Marie | 342C | Oil on Canvas | (415) 435-1174 | www.amderivera.com am@amderivera.com |
Dig-It Landscape Design | 200 | Landscape Design | (415) 298-4735 |
Doolan, Joe | 315 | Mixed Media | Joedoolanart@gmail.com |
Dvorin, Emily | 205 | Sculptural Basketry | (415) 602-0131 | www.emilydvorin.com emily@emilydvorin.com |
Evans, Gretchen | 278B | Artist – Mixed Media | (415) 699-6468 | www.gretchenevansart.com gigiinsf@gmail.com |
Faulkner, Andrew | 259A | Painter | (415) 519-7690 | www.andrew-faulkner.com andrew@afstudio.com |
Feeney, Joyce | 347 | Printmaking & Mixed Media | (415) 572-8813 | joycefeeney@icloud.com |
Frank, Susan | 310 | Landscape Design/Build | (510) 421-8000 | www.sumalandscaping.com susanfrank@comcast.net |
Friedman, Alex | 205 | Tapestry Weaver | (415) 310-2460 | www.alexfriedmantapestry.com aqsfriedman@gmail.com |
Froelich, Terri | 335 | Abstract Painter | (561) 716-3311 | www.terrifroelich.com terri@bloomefroelich.com |
Geisler, Elizabeth | 259D2 | Acrylic Painting | (415) 254-2151 | www.elizgeisler.com elizgeisler@gmail.com |
Gelb, Anki | 325 | Oil Painting | (415) 860-6641 | www.ankigelb.com ankigelb@gmail.com |
Gignilliat, Bibby | 235 | Acrylic Mixed Media | (415) 309-4152 | www.BibbyArt.com bibby@bibbyart.com |
Golla, Emily | 201A | Oil Painting & Photography | (707) 260-4141 | emilygolla@sbcglobal.net |
Grenawalt, Christa | 266 | Mixed Media and Painter | (415) 713-7030 | www.christagrenawalt.com cgrenawalt@gmail.com |
Hamon, Deborah | 315 | Painting | www.deborahhamon.com deborah@deborahhamon.com |
Harris, Julie | 201E | Abstract / Mixed Media Painter | (415) 847-4974 | www.julieharrisartist.com julieharris.artist@gmail.com |
Hartford, Margot | 207 | Mixed Media Artist | (415) 516-5353 | www.mhartford.com margot@margothartford.com |
Horns, Gloria | 342B | Photography | (415) 845-4187 | hornsg@hotmail.com |
Horowitz, Mardi | 342A | Oil and Sumi Painter | (415) 381-1817 | www.mardihorowitz.com mjhoro@comcast.net |
Hosni, Joe | 238 | Pamela Hosni and JP Stationery | (415) 465-4955 | www.jpstationery.com jjhosni@gmail.com |
Huber, Brian | 275 | Abstract Acrylic Painter | (415) 692-0925 | www.brianhuberart.com brian@brianhuberart.com |
ICB Artists Association | Please see our website | www.icbartists.com 480gate5art@gmail.com |
Ilg, Nancy | 201G | Sculpture | (415) 847-0666 | www.nancyilg.com nancyilg@gmail.com |
Inman, Debra | 305 | Jeweler | (415) 326-7931 | djinman@sbcglobal.net |
Jennings, Elizabeth (Libby) | 355A | Photography and Painting | (415) 389-6427 | RIVHRT@gmail.com |
JOY | 200 | Design Ecology | (415) 760-3169 | www.darenjoy.com daren@darenjoy.com |
Kamm, Cindy Polite | 340A | Painting & Drawing Multimedia Oil | (415) 602-9915 |
Keller, Kathryn | 252 | Oil Painter | (415) 887-8285 | www.kathrynkellerartist.com kathrynkeller.design@gmail.com |
Kelly, Christine | 350A | Painting / Mixed Media | (415) 302-9252 | www.christinekellyart.com christinekw2@gmail.com |
Kogen, Pamela | 306A | Painting / Mixed Media | (914) 714-4112 | www.pamelakogen.com pjkogen@mac.com |
Kolb, Craig | 309 | Photography (Digital & Analog) | (415) 332-1529 | www.craigkolb.com craig@craigkolb.com |
Kuhn, Katy | 306C | Painting/Printmaking/Mixed Media | (415) 383-7831 or (415) 407-4908 | www.katykuhn.com katykuhn@me.com |
Kunzweiler, John | 259D1 | Photography & Painting | (415) 706-1996 | www.johnkunzweilerstudio.com johnkunzweiler@yahoo.com |
Lavezzo, Mary | 237E | Fine Art Painting | (415) 726-1815 | www.marylavezzo.com Marymlavezzo@gmail.com |
LeCoque, Carolyn | 125 | Mixed Media | (415) 465-4089 | carolynlecoque@gmail.com |
Lynea Art & Design, LLC | 201F | Fine Art Services / Mixed Media | (510) 684-9845 | www.theartassistant.com cathryn@theartassistant.com |
Leof, Colleen | 350B | Painting | (415) 331-2825 | www.colleenleof.com colleenleof@gmail.com |
MacLeod, Meghan Lewis | 278C | Mixed Media Fine Art | (510) 508-2976 |
Madison, Jamie | 259C | Mixed Media | (530) 574-0596 | www.jamiemadisonart.com jamiebmadison@gmail.com |
Mandel, Stela | 237D | Painting, Mixed Media, Illustration | (415) 265-4630 | www.stelamandelart.com stela@stelamandel.com |
Mangum, Stephen | 238 | Painter | (415) 858-9361 | www.stephenmangumartist.com smangum154@gmail.com |
McAllister, Sarah | 340A | Painter | (510) 816-7759 |
Meadows, Karen | 259B | Mixed Media Painting | (415) 302-9836 | www.karenmeadows.com karen@karenmeadows.com |
Meyercord, Lorrie | 301 | Painting | (415) 254-4502 | Lorrie22@gmail.com |
Michel-Cassidy, Linda | 300E | Writer, Artist | (575) 779-1686 | www.lmichelcassidy.com no.hum.here@gmail.com |
Miller, Nance | 325A | Oil Painting | (415) 444-6856 | www.nancemiller.com nance@nancemiller.com |
Miracle, Cindy | 335A | Paintings & Monoprints | (415) 298-2787 |
Moench, Margaret | 209 | Painting | (415) 307-4437 | www.margaretmoench.com margaret.moench@gmail.com |
Morioka, Aiko | 232 | Sculptor | (415) 867-5033 | www.aikomorioka.com artbyaiko@aol.com |
Moyer, Philip | 320 | Drawing and Painting | (415) 383-5874 | philipam@icloud.com |
MTW Fine Art | 260C | Contemporary Realistic Paintings | (415) 233-0015 | www.mtwfineart.com tchengware@mac.com |
Nelson-Gal, Julia | 259C | Fine Arts | julianelsongal.com julianelsongal@gmail.com |
Newson, Morganne Tree | 305 | Clothing / Costume Design | (415) 331-5121 | www.morgannedesigns.com m_muse@mac.com |
Osserman, Georgette L. | 350 | Oil Painting, Pastels & Printmaking | (415) 331-5955 | www.gette.com gette@gette.com |
Parrino, Erika | 120 | Painting, Printmaking, Mixed Media | (415) 994-4275 | www.erikaparrino.com eparrino@gmail.com |
Paster, Sharon | 300 | Painter | (415) 602-3043 | www.sharonpaster.com thepasters@sbcglobal.net |
Patella, Tony | 113 | Denim Design | (415) 887-2645 |
Perlis, Cindy | 237C | Art Therapist / Painter | (415) 518-5020 | cynthia.perlis@ucsf.edu |
Peterson AIA, Barry | 300A | Architecture / Visual Arts | (415) 332-1300 | www.studio300A.com BP@Studio300A.com |
Rabin, Cheryl | 257 | Figure Painting and Floor Yarn Pieces | (415) 298-7917 | www.cherylrabin.com cherylrabin@yahoo.com |
Richardi, Cathy | 345A | Oil Painting | (415) 717-5220 | www.cathyrichardi.com cathyrichardi.art@gmail.com |
Richardson, Susan | 305 | Mixed Media | (858) 945-8188 |
Roth, Carla | 338 | Oil Painter | (415) 706-0418 |
Rothman, Ellen | 346 | Painter | (415) 518-2570 |
Rowan, Peter | 261B | Musician, Artist, Songwriter | www.peterrowan.com |
Sage, Delisa | 118 | Mixed Media / Painter | (415) 250-2756 | www.delisasage.com delisa7@icloud.com |
Salz, Joanne | 330 | Textile Art | (415) 847-3702 | jmsalz@comcast.net |
Schiffman, Wo | 117 | Oil & Wax Painting | (415) 895-8975 | www.woschiffman.com woizme@me.com |
Schmidt, Cathryn Lynea | 201F | Multi Media / Art Assistant | (510) 684-9845 | cathryn@cathrynlynea.com http://www.cathrynlynea.com |
Schoenberg, Sandra | 320 | Oil & Acrylic Paintings | (415) 289-0731 | rouquine1@aol.com |
Schuchman, Skye | 275 | Art x Design | (415) 521-6390 |
Sears, Darcy J. | 280 | Sculpture | (415) 987-3422 | www.djsears.com djs@djsears.com |
Searson, Pete | 113 | Denim Design | (415) 686-5173 | www.tellason.com pete@tellason.com |
Setzer, Tina Kleinjan | 122 | Acrylic / Paint | (415) 686-0908 | tksetzer@mac.com |
SMPLFY Lifestyle Design | 108 | Custom Design & Interiors | (847) 421-1294 | www.SMPLFY.com info@smplfy.com |
Soderberg, E. Loren | 302 | Photography | (415) 300-6006 | www.elorensoderberg.com elorens@comcast.net |
Spaeth, Dana | 282B | Painting & Photography | (415) 595-8184 |
www.danaspaethphotography.com dana@danaspaethphotography.com |
Spaht, Claire | 242 | Artist | (415) 827-0510 | claire@gmail.com |
Sperber, Devorah | 126 | Installation and Sound Art | (917) 359-9382 | www.devorahsperber@me.com deborahsperber@me.com |
Stanger, Susan E. | 350D | Water Media | (415) 432-03287 |
Starin, Cecilie | 101 | Painter | (415) 531-9936 |
Steinberg, D. Leah | 310 | Photography | (510) 334-0588 | lsteinberg.artspan.com leahsteinbergphotos@gmail.com |
Steinman, Alice | 306B | Ceramic Sculpture | (415) 548-0013 | www.alicesteinman.com alicesteinman@aol.com |
Sterling, Gail | 106 | Painting | (415) 987-5636 | gailsterling@aol.com |
Strage, Marine | 355 | Painting | (415) 300-5541 | www.marinestrage.com marinestrage@gmail.com |
Strietmann, Kathryn | 261A | Paint | (415) 305-0707 | kstrietmann@mac.com |
Studer, Gordon | 107 | Painting | (510) 701-0372 | www.gordonstuder.com gordon@gordonstuder.com |
Suma Landscape | 310 | Landscape Design | (510) 421-8000 | www.sumalandscaping.com susan@sumalandscaping.com |
Taylor, Kathleen – The Lotus Collection | 109 | Antique Textiles and Tapestries | (415) 516-3794 | www.ktaylor-lotus.com kathleen@ktaylor-lotus.com |
Tellason | 113 | Denim Design |
Pete (415) 686-5173 Tony (415) 887-2645 |
www.tellason.com info@tellason.com |
Ting, Mimi Chen | 345B | Painting | www.mimichenting.com |
Tope, Elaine | 118 | Painter | (415) 254-9532 | elainetopeart.com elaine.tope@gmail.com |
Torgeson, Amy | 278C & D | Printmaker, mixed media | (510) 225-5475 | www.amytorgeson.com amytorgeson@gmail.com |
Turner, Ann Curran | 302 | Figurative Painting, Sculpture & Tiles | (415) 331-5126 | act4art@ix.netcom.com |
Valente, Mary | 325A | Fine Art | (415) 312-9575 | www.maryvalente.com m@maryvalente.com |
Victor, Louise | 346 | Oil Painting | (415) 379-9312 | www.louisevictor.com victorml@yahoo.com |
Waldman, Beth Davila | 128 | Artist | www.bethwaldman.com beth@waldmanarts.com |
Wegmann,Linda | 278E | Painter – oil & cold wax | (415) 609-5670 | www.lindawegmann.com lkwegmann@gmail.com |
Wells, Leigh | 345A | Collage, drawing, textile work | (415) 346-1532 | www.leighwellsstudio.com wells.leigh@gmail.com |
Werngren, Helen | 306C | Abstract Painting & Ceramics | (203) 918-6800 | www.helenwerngren.com helen.werngren@gmail.com |
Wilton, Deborah Adams | 350C | Painter | (240) 888-9746 | www.deborahadamswilton.com dawilton@gmail.com |
Wilton, Nicholas – Art2Life | 300W | Painting | www.nicholaswilton.com www.art2life.com nick@nicholaswilton.com |
Winnick, Tory | 106 | Landscape, Portrait, Oil & Pastel | (415) 261-7200 | torywinnick@me.com |
Wintroub, Marya | 237B | Mixed Media, Graphite | (415) 254-2840 | www.maryawintroub.com mawint@comcast.net |
Wirth, Timothy | 355B | Abstract Painter | (415) 602-1869 | http://www.timothywirthart.com mtcumberland@gmail.com |
Yano, Janet | 201H | Painting Watercolor & Acrylic | (415) 297-3050 | www.Janetyano.com janet@janetyano.com |
Zimmer, Kate | 112 | Painter | (415) 272-6972 | www.katezimmer.com Katezimmer.art@gmail.com |
Zinman, Millie | 201D | Painter | (415) 332-2578 | mzinman@gmail.com |